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PS3 Slim WLAN chip problem

It's October 15th, and me and my family decided to go to another city. Our first stop is the thrift store, and I have 60 dollars in my pocket. Hoping the PS3 I saw in that thrift store last week was still there, I walk into the store. And there it is, the 60 dollar PS3 Slim. After some convincing, I was able to get the PS3 in my hands and turned it on as soon as I got back home. The luckily official controller and the console worked just fine, and it even came with a 250 GB hard drive! It connected to the Internet just fine and I was able to mod it with HEN.

I got all the good games on my console now. LittleBigPlanet, Skate 3, Borderlands, South Park: STOT, are all enjoyable on the PS3. One day, something unfortunate happened when I moved my PS3 to a different location. It couldn't connect to any of my Wi-Fi networks it was previously connected to. This happened on the SAME week of purchasing the PS3. I can't really say anything, because the thrift shop tested it, and everything worked. Now it something is wrong with it which is out of their hands.

Here comes the troubleshooting. I moved it back to where it originally was, and it couldn't detect any networks. I moved it to a location closer to the router, and it didn't pick up any networks there. But then I ran an Ethernet cord through multiple rooms of my house to see if it would connect via Ethernet. That worked, which meant that was the only way to connect to the Internet.

Is it that big of a deal? Not really. Especially when the ban risk for going online with a modded PS3 is never zero. The only thing I worry about being connected to PSN is being network banned. They wouldn't network ban me, right? Well now they can't because my PS3's WLAN chip kicked the bucket. And after all, I can always just run the Ethernet cord all the way to my room for a few minutes just to sync my trophies.

I'm getting a PSVita soon, which makes sense because Christmas is just two weeks away, which provides almost PS3 level graphics. Take LittleBigPlanet 2 on the PS3 and Vita. The Vita isn't a demake, it's the exact same game running at a stable frame rate. Since the Vita is basically a PS3 on wheels, AND it connects to the Internet, what should I use my PS3 for now? Some of the games I have on PS3, are also on my Xbox 360, like Skate 3, and I can play that game online with friends that don't have PS3s. Is it just going to suck electricity in stand-by mode and never be used? Surely I could find another use for it.

Thanks for reading!